Serving the community for over 20 years!

Your choice for Bail in Springfield, ga

We are locally owned and operated bonding company that is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


If you ever find yourself in the difficult situation of needing a bail bonding company, the only place you should call in the Rincon, Guyton, Bloomingdale, Eden or Springfield, Georgia area is Rahn's Bonding Co at (912) 754-4490. Being incarcerated is nothing that should be taken lightly, and for anyone that has been in jail before, they know getting out is priority number one. We are licensed bondsmen and members of the GAPB, so you can have complete faith in our abilities to get you home as quickly and hassle-free as possible.

When Should I call Rahn's Bail bonds?

We have helped thousands of people in the area get through very stressful times in their lives with agents who are focused on personal attention and fast response. Since you never know when you could find yourself in the situation where you're on the wrong side of the law, you should have our information with you at all times, and know that we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Our agents will not only help you with your bail bond, but they can also walk you through the entire process to make sure you know exactly what is going on. We promise that you'll always get courteous, fast and reliable service.
The basic principal behind bail bonds in providing money in exchange for the release of someone who has been arrested so they can remain home while awaiting trial. It's a written promise that you will appear in court on the date and time of the criminal proceeding.

We accept all major credit cards or payment plants on partial credit bonds. This is when a client pays a percentage of their bond up front and then makes payments on the remaining costs.

When you need a bail bond service to help you through a difficult time in the Springfield, Georgia area, the only place you need to call is Rahn's Bonding Co at (912) 754-4490. 

bail bonds in springfield, georgia